Thread 'Progress constantly being reset'

Message boards : Android : Progress constantly being reset
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Message 68233 - Posted: 11 Mar 2016, 23:16:10 UTC

So, I just got a new Galaxy S7 Edge and eagerly tried BOINC to see how fast the new Mongoose core was.

Answer? Pretty fast. 1% of a WGC work unit in under a minute.

The problem is that the progress kept being reset, seemingly randomly. I noticed this a lot with phones running Marshmallow, but not Lollipop. My S7 Edge is showing this. As is my Note 4 running Cyanogenmod 13. My cheap Chinese Elephone P7000 running Lollipop 5.0.1 does not.

Can anyone give suggestions on how to stop the progress from resetting?
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Message 68255 - Posted: 12 Mar 2016, 16:28:22 UTC - in response to Message 68233.  

BOINC for Android is not under development. The present BOINC available is updated to run without much problems under Jelly Bean and Lollipop. Anything above that, if it works it's fine, if it doesn't there's really not much there can be done about it until a developer has been found who wants to make a new BOINC app for Android.

One thing you may want to cross-reference is that it isn't the WCG science app doing the resetting of its progress, perhaps because it isn't checkpointing. Checking this thread at WCG, it would seem at least one of their apps isn't checkpointing, which means that when you pause or exit BOINC, then resume or restart it, progress starts from the beginning.
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Message 68496 - Posted: 24 Mar 2016, 7:59:12 UTC

Hi Ageless, thanks for your reply.

Yes, it does appear that my issue is more of an issue with WCG's app. Nothing much that BOINC developers can do about it I guess.
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Message 69791 - Posted: 29 May 2016, 2:21:41 UTC - in response to Message 68496.  

I installed on my phone yesterday and am having the same issue running WCG. Disappointing. There is no point in continuing crunching on my phone if this is the default behaviour. Just a waste of time and wear and tear on my phone for absolutely nothing.
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Message 69799 - Posted: 29 May 2016, 11:10:05 UTC - in response to Message 68255.  
Last modified: 29 May 2016, 11:34:34 UTC

One thing you may want to cross-reference is that it isn't the WCG science app doing the resetting of its progress, perhaps because it isn't checkpointing. Checking this thread at WCG, it would seem at least one of their apps isn't checkpointing, which means that when you pause or exit BOINC, then resume or restart it, progress starts from the beginning.

Old hat, OET checkpoints 8 times, Zika at least as often as there are jobs packaged in a task.
Coelum Non Animum Mutant, Qui Trans Mare Currunt
ID: 69799 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Android : Progress constantly being reset

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