Thread 'Nexus 6 on Android 7.0: 1 core after resuming from suspend'

Message boards : Android : Nexus 6 on Android 7.0: 1 core after resuming from suspend
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Joined: 9 Sep 16
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Message 72351 - Posted: 9 Sep 2016, 13:45:24 UTC

My setup:
- Nexus 6, stock - not rooted or ROM'd [4 core CPU]
- Android 7.0 (through the Android beta program)
- Always on WiFi and plugged in for processing

I installed BOINC on my Nexus 6 and have the following relevant BOINC preferences setup like this:
- Min battery = 20%
- Max batter temp = 45* (never goes above 42* and I'm okay with the temperature)
- Used CPU cores = 4 (highest available)
- CPU Limit = 100%
- Pause at CPU usage above = 100%

I found the following symptoms regarding number of cores actually used:
- On restart of the phone, BOINC uses 3 of the 4 cores but has 4 tasks running
- If I unplug the phone, causing tasks to suspend, and plug it back in, only 1 core is ever used but has 4 tasks running

The number of cores seen above seems consistent with how warm the phone runs also. It runs almost cool if it suspends and resumes (1 core) but fairly warm when I restart and let BOINC run at that point (3 of 4 cores)

For now, I'm restarting before plugging it in for processing but is there anything I can do to help resolve this and possibly get use out of all 4 cores?
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Joined: 9 Sep 16
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United States
Message 72352 - Posted: 9 Sep 2016, 15:04:26 UTC

Sorry, I forgot to mention that I'm using BOINC 7.4.53
ID: 72352 · Report as offensive

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Joined: 9 Sep 16
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United States
Message 72927 - Posted: 5 Oct 2016, 14:13:31 UTC

I read elsewhere that the HTC Boinc client resolves this and, initially, it seemed to work but also went back to my phone using only a single core no matter what settings I set

Anyone else having this issue? Is there something I can do to enable to other cores again?
ID: 72927 · Report as offensive

Message boards : Android : Nexus 6 on Android 7.0: 1 core after resuming from suspend

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